
All donations are processed through YWAM Carribean Partners, which is a qualified tax-exempt organization under article 501c3 with the IRS. They have complete discretion and control over the use of these funds.

What will these donations be used for?

Right now, Josh is trying to raise $30,000 Dollars a year, or $2500 a month to cover his costs to live in Haiti, flights back to the States once a year, and putting some into savings for unexpected costs that come up. If more than that is received, he will use it to buy land to grow the projects, put it into savings for future expenses, car, house, etc.
Please send an email to if you would like your gift to go to a specific area.
Otherwise Josh will Put it toward the area that needs it most.

Donate Here:

If you prefer Checks:

Make your check out to 'YWAM Carribean Partners' with a separate note saying 'Joshua Brown'
Send your checks to: YWAM Caribbean Partners Inc
             625 Schoolhouse Rd, Suite #3
   Lakeland, FL  33813